Site Wars: John Arnold at JPDatabase EE Part 6

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Site Wars: John Arnold at JPDatabase EE Part 6

Post by RickArnold »

Then the three stepped out of the elevator and they were in the hangar of the IRCops. There were rows of large choppers and men anxiously preparing them and even larger choppers were being filled with soldiers. A man handed John Arnold and SamFan a bag each, inside were their clothing. John Arnold hastily put on his shorts and Hawaiian shirt and placed his hat on, while SamFan ducked inside a chopper to get dressed. John Arnold looked to his left and saw Kyle jogging across the hangar.
“Hey, John. You ok?”
“Yea, what about you?”
“I’m fine; they brought me and Paul up here shortly after you two left. The rest of the guys are already in the chopper.” SamFan stepped out of the chopper as klaxons started blaring throughout the hangar. Pilots ran for their planes as Sean Archer came on the intercom.
“Attention! The Hackers are approaching our base! We must evacuate the hangar now! All choppers get out of the hangar and regroup once in the air! Over and out!” As the intercom turned off, the first bomb striked the hangar. The shock of the bomb knocked panels from the roof loose, as they plunged into the hangar. The panels had only smashed up a row of the choppers, as the pilots tried to avoid them, although a few were unlucky. John Arnold saw the big blast doors of the hangar open, as a dozen choppers flew outside. Sean Archer’s huge battle chopper was seen next flying out of the hangar, with a few dozen choppers around it. John Arnold and SamFan ran for the mini-chopper, with Kyle behind them. John Arnold saw the young pilot, Chavez, running the opposite direction towards the facility.
“Chavez!” John Arnold yelled, “They are blowing this place!! Come on!!” Chavez ran for the mini-chopper, as John Arnold, SamFan and Kyle got in. “Neo! Get this bird off the ground!” The mini-chopper was lifting off the ground, as a bomb dropped in through the roof, wiping out an entire squadron of choppers.
“Sound off!” Sean Archer yelled over the radio, “Squad leaders report in!”
“This is Squad One, reporting in,” said Squad One’s leader, Green Mamba as he turned on his radar.
“Squad Two, reporting in,” said Squad Two’s leader, Powerhouse.
“Squad Three!” said Squad Three’s leader, Goldrex.
“Squad Four, reporting!” said Squad Four’s leader, Maester Seymour. The final squad, Squad Five, was flying out of the hangar with the JPDb mini-chopper, Squad Six was gone.
“What the hell...” said the leader of Squad Five, Dac, and he saw dozens of Hackers marching into the hangar as they were flying off. There was a row of them setting up what looked like cannons.
“They’re going to fire on us!!!” GrantsHat yelled. GrantsHat, in desperation, fired on the hackers, but the remaining ones, fired on GrantsHat. “AHHHH” GrantsHat screamed as his chopper exploded into a ball of flames, crashing into the snow. The others in the squad had no time to respond, as the cannons fired on them, wiping out all but Dac, as he managed to outmaneuver the cannons, and flew out into the open air.

The others, already off the island, were in trouble now. As huge bombers and super fortresses flew towards them, and dozens of smaller jets assaulted them. Hunter, a Squad Two pilot, was trying to shake off two jets, as they fired on him with their guns.
“Someone get them off of me!!” Hunter yelled. A rocket fired from one of the jets, blowing up one of the chopper’s engines. “I’m hit!!!” Hunter’s chopper swerved to the right, crossing right into the path of another pilot. The two choppers exploded and fell into the ocean.
“We’ll never be able to fight them head on, sir!” said Sean Archer’s assistant, Dark Element, “They have jets loaded with heat-seeking missiles! We have to make a run for it!” One of the super fortresses’ bottoms opened and a long crane withdrew, with a satellite on the bottom.
“What is that?” said Sean Archer, watching more of the choppers go down in flames.
“Don’t worry, sir” said a young pilot in Squad Three named anarki; “I’ll have it gone in seconds.” anarki fired all four of his missiles at the crane. They all hit it head on, but they had no effect.
“Pull out, anarki!” Goldrex yelled, seeing the satellite starting to power up. “They are going to fire!!” anarki’s chopper banked to the right, but the satellite already was locked onto the chopper. Everyone watched as a green laser beam burst from the satellite and hit anarki head on.
“ARGH!” anarki screamed as his chopper disintegrated into flames. The JPDb mini-chopper and Dac flew into the fight, taking down jets left and right.
“What the hell was that beam?” John Arnold yelled over the comm.
“The super fortresses are armed with particle neutralizing beams!” Sean Archer replied, “All squads pull back! We need to find a new route! They’re too strong!” Before Archer could say anything, Alex Cross, Squad Three’s second-in-command, came zooming past Archer’s attack chopper, blasting two jets out of the air.
“Way to go, Alex!” Goldrex yelled, as a jet screamed past him, taking out a Squad Three chopper. Goldrex retaliated by firing on the jet, taking it out fast. He could see Dac shooting back and forth across the sky, taking out jets left and right. “Easy there, Dac, leave some for us!”
“Yahoo!” Dac yelled as he fired his guns, blowing up three jets in one blast.

Drack was standing on the bridge of the main super fortress, watching over the battle. His two assistants walked into the room, leading a man dressed in general’s clothing.
“Yes, Aso? Kill?” Drack said, not turning from the battle.
“General Frost has something report.” said Aso.
“Yes, General?”
“Sir, I received orders from Lord SGD to pull all the troops back and concentrate on attacking JPDatabase and JPCompound.”
“Fine... tell the troops to engage these choppers fully and wipe them out. Have the other super fortresses start firing on the compound below. We got Archer’s chopper in view next.”
“Yes, sir!” Frost turned around and left the room, with Aso and Kill following. Drack returned to watch his battle in progress.

“Jesus…” General Rancor groaned, from the attack chopper. “They’re locking onto us, sir!” Everyone started moving towards the back of the chopper, to grab a parachute.
Sean Archer was standing the back of his attack chopper, putting on a parachute. His assistant, Dark Element, and his top general, General Rancor, were putting them on too.
“Everyone! We must parachute down to the ocean!” Sean Archer said, opening the cargo hold, revealing the ocean below. “Let’s move!!” General Rancor and Dark Element both leapt out, as more of the men started jumping out.

“Fire! Now!!” Drack yelled, as the satellite started to charge up for its death blow.

“Come on!” Sean Archer yelled, there was still many of his people to get out. He saw that a jet was now on their tail. He groaned to himself as the jet fired into the chopper, knocking Archer from the chopper, as the chopper blew.

“Holy sh*t,” John Arnold said, watching as Archer fell, seconds before the laser beam blew his chopper to pieces. The tailing jet couldn’t pull up in time as it was blown apart in the blast as well. “Majestic! Get the ladder out! We have got to pick up those people. Goldrex, you reading me? We got to pick up as many of them as we can, and get the hell out!”
“I read, you, Arnold,” Goldrex said, putting his chopper on auto-pilot while he dropped a ladder. Maester Seymour was in serious trouble, as he tried to fly back to the hangar. What he hadn’t noticed was that the other super fortresses had their satellites locked on him. Before he could react to this, his chopper disintegrated into nothing, no explosion, no final cry or plea, nothing. His squad was mostly dead, as they soon became more bewildered with the loss of their leader.
“I’m going to engage the sons of bitches!” yelled Squad Two pilot, Sikes. He was flying his chopper dangerously close to one of the super fortresses.
“Back off!” yelled Squad Two leader, Powerhouse, “Back off, Sikes!” Sikes ignored his order as he flew straight at the bridge, firing his guns and launching missiles.
“This is for GrantsHat!!!” Sikes screamed as his chopper plowed into the bridge of the super fortress. The bridge was already in flames from the missiles, and the chopper finished it off, as the bridge exploded into a huge burst of flames, and the super fortress dipped down, crashing into the ocean.
“Sikes got one!!” Dac cried out in joy.
“Way to go, Sikes!!” Green Mamba yelled, and then he held his head low in memory of Sikes. Dac quickly zoomed at an oncoming squad of jets, firing rockets at them, taking out most of them.
“Yippie Ki Yay Mother Fuckers!” Dac cried out in joy.
“This is Goldrex, John; I got General Rancor and Dark Element on my chopper, along with a lot of the crew. What about you?”
“This is Neo; we picked up Sean Archer and rest. We are ready to get the hell out of here.” The only choppers remaining from the IRCops was the four surviving leaders, and a few others, including Alex Cross, as they all moved into formation.
“Alright, so what’s the plan?” Green Mamba said.
“We got to get back to JPDatabase,” John Arnold said, “But these guys aren’t going to let us...”
“What about UFX?” Seth said, from the cabin.
“What about it?” John Arnold said.
“Well... DinoTrack is there right now, investigating The Error.” Seth replied, “If we hurry there, we can catch DinoTrack, and he’ll surely help us.”
“That’s a good idea, John,” Neo said, “There’s an advertisement field near there, too. These choppers can make it through alright, but those super fortresses and jets will get taken out.”
“Then that’s the plan, guys,” John Arnold said, “Change your routes to UFX. Split up, and meet on the rim of UFX. Ok? We should make it there fast if we each go on our own.”
“Roger that, Arnold,” Green Mamba said.
“That’s a 10-4,” Powerhouse said, flipping a few switches on his chopper.
“I read ya, John,” Dac said.
“See you in UFX,” Goldrex said, turning his chopper to the west. The choppers all turned and flew off, as the super fortresses laid waste to the remains of the IRCops Base, as it exploded, the intense heat melting the snow around it.

Jon walked out onto the balcony of his house, which sat on a cliff, overlooking JPDatabase. He looked down on JPDatabase, as life busily moved around. One of the only gifts he’d received from his parents. He once ran this place, he thought, when his parents could no long, this site was like his child. He once was a man of the people. But Jon just couldn’t keep up with her. And now it was run by Queen v-girl. There was something about her though, something that disturbed Jon. She had seemed too enthusiastic to purchase the site, buying it almost days after he put it up one the market. But Jon ignored that and walked back into his house. He walked into the kitchen and mixed himself a drink. He wondered what was happening with John Arnold and the others, as he took a sip. John Arnold, Jon thought, was a friend that he could always count on. John was someone he could trust, the two had been friends since they were children, Jon being the youngest of the group with Neo a year older, but John and Majestic had always let him hang out with them. Of course, Malcolm was just as good a friend, having known him longer then John. He sat down on the couch, wondering when John would finally get the courage to ask SamFan to marry him. John Arnold had told him many times that he was madly in love her. Jon let out a long sigh as he finished his drink. At that, a loud knock sounded at the door.
“Come in.” Jon said, placing his empty glass on the table. His life-long friend, Malcolm, entered. Jon stood up and walked over to him.
“Hey, Jon, how’s it going?”
“I’m worried... John hasn’t reported in, in almost two days. I worry for John, he can tend to get a little careless… and Majestic…”
“Oh, I’m sure they are ok... By the way, General Thade told me to tell you, that he’s warming the troops up.”
“What for?” Jon said, looking towards Malcolm with a look of confusion. Jon clearly looked like he was long overdue for a vacation.
“We got reports of Hacker activity heading by here, earlier yesterday, and they may be trying to sneak attack. They have been after us forever.”
“Very well...”
“Something else is bothering you, Jon. I can sense it.”
“No... I just am tired. I think I need to just get some rest.”
“Jon... we’ve been friends for how long? Something else is wrong. What is it?”
“It’s v-girl.”
“What about her?”
“I don’t think she has the best intentions for this site.”
“What do you mean?” Malcolm asked.
“First off, she won’t allow Thade to use any tanks, for fear of the ‘people getting harmed’. Then, she won’t allow any choppers to firing within the city limits. I think she’s up to no good!”
“You better think about who you are pointing fingers at! She owns this site! She could ban you off to UFX for life, you know that?”
“You don’t think I know that?! But something is seriously odd... It’s almost as if she wants us to lose to the Hackers.”
“Well... what do you want me to do about it?”
“Have Rexoraptor stick close to her; maybe get some information out of her, he’s good at weaseling information out of people.”
“Alright, Jon... Want me to stick around for a bit?”
“No... go tell Rexoraptor, and then go grab a drink or something.”
“Alright, Jon.” Malcolm said, walking to the door, “See you later… and take care.”
“Yea... you too, Malcolm.” Jon said, as Malcolm closed the door, and he walked back to the balcony.

Drack was sitting in his quarters, looking over a map, when his door opened. He quickly turned around, drawing his sidearm. Standing in the doorway was Bandido, his comrade.
“I didn’t think I need to knock.” Bandido replied, in a monotonous voice. Bandido could always keep his cool in the most drastic of situations, and was the more rational of the two.
“It’s alright.” Drack said, holstering his sidearm. “I’m a little on edge tonight. Come in.” Bandido entered and took a seat next to him.
“What are you looking at?” Bandido asked as he looked at the map.
“It’s a site map of JPDatabase.” Drack replied, as he stood up. “Care for a drink?”
“Sure.” Bandido said, as Drack poured two glasses of scotch. “What are you looking at the map for?” Drack handed a glass to Bandido, and sat back down.
“Just examining all the possibilities… You know, it’s funny.” Drack said.
“What’s funny?”
“That I actually have feelings for these people. You know, ten years ago, I could have wasted a town full of people and not given a sh*t, but now I look at them, and realize that they are people, just like you and I.”
“Except they follow the laws that are dictated to them, remember that, pal.” Bandido replied. “The whole reason we ever got into this was to rebel against the laws of society.”
“And now look at us,” Drack said, “We’re killing people for no reason, people that have no choice but to follow these laws. And we’re trying to take over the Internet… I mean, do we actually think we can do it?”
“That whole part on Internet domination was never part of the plan…” Bandido said, “The only reason we ever did it was to gain the support of…. Him.”
“Now he’s taken over my troops, sent them out to die in the field, and put some two-bit bounty hunter in charge. You know he’ll kill us, right?”
“What?!” Bandido replied.
“Of course, he only needs our men to help take over JPDatabase. After that, he has no reason for us two. Especially with the clone machines in Dark Horizons. You and I, we’re dead. Aso, Kill, Kevy Mac and Frost. We’re all dead.” Bandido smirked at Drack.
“Well, I’ll drink to that.” Bandido said, as the two clanked their glasses together and downed the scotch.

The Army of JPDatabase were all standing outside in a huge field, lighted by flood lights. It was the football field for the high school, which also substituted for military training. General Thade walked up and down the line, looking at the soldiers, his assistant, Lieutenant Saunders, was following him from behind. Thade walked up to a temporary podium that was hooked up to the field’s sound system.
“Gentlemen,” Thade said, as his voice echoed through the speakers, “You all know why you have been called here today. The Hackers continue to pull their assault on our lands, even after the attempts by Counselor John Arnold and ‘General’ Majestic to stop them.” Thade referred to Majestic as General, only out of respect for the man, even if Majestic didn’t have much for Thade himself. “Now, our fair queen, has decided that we shall not use the armored cavalry, for fear of ‘injuring civilian lives’. And she also says the use of any helicopters over the city, will not be permitted. And do you know what I have to say about that? I say, ‘Piss off’!” The soldiers erupted with cheers and whistles. “That’s right, when the Hackers invade tomorrow, we’re going to roll the tanks into the streets and send those fuckers packing!” The cheers got louder. “Do you think the Hackers will ‘play fair’ and not use tanks or launch an aerial assault on the city?! Hell no! That’s why this General doesn’t play fair, he kicks ass! And that’s what you are all going to be doing tomorrow. When you see that first Hacker approach the city limits, you will open fire and send them back where they came from! We’ll teach them to mess with JPDatabase! Now I want you all to go to your posts, and be ready, because at 0600 hours, we’re not only fighting for our lives, but the lives of every person on this site! Dismissed!” The soldiers all dispersed, as Thade walked down from the podium and looked at Saunders.
“I think the speech went well, sir.” Saunders said.
“You think?” Thade said, as they walked towards his jeep.
“I think you have them motivated, sir. They’ll be ready tomorrow.”
“We can only hope, Saunders.” Thade said as he climbed in the driver’s seat. “We can only hope.”

John Arnold was kneeling on a ridge, with binoculars in his hands. He was looking at something below. Majestic, Mad Rex and Dac were crouched next to him.
“Jesus... Is that all a prison?” Mad Rex said, looking at the huge complex below.
“Yep.” John Arnold replied, “UFX, the largest prison in the Internet. All the real bad scumbags and worthless trash come here.”
“Then we’ll probably run into some old friends,” Majestic said, “Eh, John?” John Arnold laughed.
“What the hell is the story with this place, anyways?” Dac asked.
“Our good old friend, Senator Bob Klein owns this place.” Majestic said, “Or he did, until he decided to sell out to Dan.”
“Dan owns this place?” Mad Rex said.
“You bet. Where do you think he sends all those people he bans?” Majestic said, “You don’t think he just ushers them off the site do you? He sends them here, and locks their asses up for life.”
“Is it true a lot of them are innocent?” Dac asked, but Majestic laughed. “What?”
“In prison, everyone is innocent. Didn’t you know that?” John decided he had enough and stood up.
“Let’s head back to the camp, guys. I’m sure they are waiting for us.” John Arnold said, walking to the north, as the others followed.

The choppers and mini-chopper were sitting on the ground, as the men had set up crude tents with dark green plastic tarps. CS was carrying a crate from the mini-chopper over to the tents, with the help of Paul and tRaptor. As John Arnold and the others walked into the camp, Neo climbed out of the mini-chopper with grease covered hands, and a wrench in one hand.
“What’s the status on my baby, Neo?” John Arnold said, grabbing a beer from an open crate. Lord knows why he packed beers, but he was glad he had.
“Well, we took a few shots in the rear, and the underbelly,” Neo said, cleaning the grease up, “I should be able to patch her up. I’m just surprised the engine managed to hold up.”
“What about the guns?”
“They held up alright. The left one overheated a tad faster, but I think I can make a few quick adjustments on her. So much for field testing her.” Neo said, grinning.
“Ok, keep working; I have to go speak with Archer.”
“He’s over in one of the choppers with his pilots.”
“Ok.” John Arnold said, walking over towards the chopper, as Chavez appeared.
“Mr. Arnold!”
“Please, just John.”
“Mr. Arnold... err... John.”
“I never got to thank you for saving me back there, in the hangar.”
“It was nothing, couldn’t let a young pilot die before he got a chance to show me what he’s made of.”
“I want to repay you in anyway I can, John.”
“Well... Neo could use a hand repairing the bird, if you know anything about that.”
“Sure, I took a few courses in mechanics and such at the university on Dan’s.” Chavez ran for the JPDb mini-chopper, as John walked into the tent area. Majestic decided to stay with Neo and Chavez. Sean Archer, General Rancor and Dark Element were looking over a map, while Goldrex and Green Mamba drank a beer each. Powerhouse was working on the choppers with the other pilots. John took a seat in the back of the tent, as Dac sat down next to Goldrex.
“Ok, we have got to get down to the prison, before sunrise. It’s the only hope we have, if we want to get to JPDatabase. The Hackers will most likely attack during the late morning.” Sean Archer said.
“I totally agree with you, sir,” General Rancor said, “but why not leave now?”
“It’s too treacherous, right now,” John Arnold said, sitting at the back of the tent, “And the Warden has guards that’ll shoot at us on sight at night.”
“They wouldn’t dare fire at General Archer!!” General Rancor replied.
“Want to make a wager on that, Rancor?” John Arnold fired back at General Rancor, who just slumped down in his chair.
“We can’t have all of us just running down in there.” Goldrex said, “We need to send in a small scout team.”
“Yes, that seems like a good idea.” Sean Archer said, “John? Would you care to lead this team?”
“Why the hell not, I’ve got nothing else better to do....” John Arnold replied, “But I pick my team.”
“Fair enough.” Sean Archer said.
“Ok, then come on Goldrex, we got some planning to do.” John Arnold walked out of the tent, as Goldrex got up and followed after him.
“This John Arnold is a loose cannon, Commander,” General Rancor snarled.
“Yes, you are right.” Sean Archer said, “But he’s the best and the only one with the balls to do this.”

John Arnold and Goldrex walked over to the mini-chopper, Majestic was sitting on a crate, polishing his PMP-51, when Alex Cross walked up to him.
“What the hell is that?” Cross asked, “I’ve never seen a gun like that.”
“That’s because she’s unique.” Majestic replied. “The PMP-51. One of a kind. She fires 9x39mm pistol rounds, in either a 50 round transparent magazine or a 75 round drum magazine. She also sports an ambidextrous safety selector switch, which can rotate clockwise to Safe, Single, Burst or Auto. A delayed blowback-operated roller-locked bolt system, much like that of early model MP5s, which keep the bolt in place until the bullet exits the bore, insuring an accurate initial shot, and she’s a sweet closed-bolt operation. An excess gas escape port, while it slows the rate of fire and range, it does silence the bullets significantly, replacing conventional silencers. She also sports a built-in well that can hold a tactical flashlight or a laser dot sight. And a cocking handle on left hand side of gun, directly above magazine well, that is disconnected from the bolt. The gasses are vented from the barrel and travel through a tube to the bolt, where they push the bolt to the rear, for a nice gas blowback operation. And the crème de la crème, is side vents on the gun, to help cool the barrel, a 1.5x attached scope with iron sites fixed on top, and a front grip attached to springs, to insure your hand stays in place when the gun recoils. My baby.” Majestic rubbed the gun with a cloth, as Cross just stared at him.
“I’ll be back in a bit, Gold” John said, “I suddenly have the need to get some air.” Majestic shot John a look, but smiled as John left the camp.

John Arnold walked out onto the ground, as night settled in. He sat down on the sand, and stared up at the sky. The stars were shining brightly, as a full moon sat in the sky. He could feel himself starting to fall asleep, then he heard someone approach behind him, and he whipped out his gun and turned around in a flash.
“Jesus, John!” Sam yelled, not in an angry tone, but more of a surprised tone. John lowered his gun, and SamFan sat down next to him, and John rested his head on her bare shoulder. “What are you doing out here anyways? Shouldn’t you be back at camp, preparing?”
“I just needed to get away from there for a bit. Decided to come out here and just stare at the stars for a bit.” John Arnold replied, “Wondering when this silly war will ever end.”
“You seem to enjoy fighting against them, with Majestic.” SamFan said.
“I don’t enjoy it, it’s my job.” John Arnold said, “I’d give everything up, for an Internet without war. An Internet… where I’d want to bring a kid up in. But as long as someone is in need, I’ll be there, because frankly, if I don’t do it… who will?” John Arnold fell back, lying in the soft sand. SamFan laid down next John Arnold and he wrapped his arm around her, as they both stared at the stars, as night time washed over UFX.
“I want you to promise me something.”
“What is it?”
“I want you to promise to me that you will never leave me alone. That you will always stay on JPDatabase with me.”
“You know I can’t promise something like that…”
“John… just promise me that.”
“I promise that I will never leave you alone, SamFan. I love you, you are my only love… if I didn’t have you, I’d have nothing to live for.” John Arnold said, kissing SamFan softly.

Warden Darknodin looked out the large window in his office, overlooking UFX. He took out a small flask and drank the contents of it, as someone entered the office. Darknodin quickly hid the flask and turned around.
“Yes?” From the shadows, DinoTrack stepped in front of the desk, Trillian and Vader standing behind him.
“We are done conducting our interview, thank you for your time, Warden.”
“You aren’t leaving, are you?” Darknodin asked, “I was hoping to have a nice conversation with you.”
“I’m afraid so, I have a report to compile, and someone to get in contact with. It’s going to be a long night, and it has just started.”
“Well it was a real pleasure having an Admin here. I will have my men show you to the helipad immediately then.” Darknodin snapped his fingers, and a guard walked in, showing the three out. As they left, a man walked from the shadows behind Darknodin, it was RaptorFood, as he placed his hand on Darknodin’s left shoulder, startling the Warden.
“Who the hell are you?”
“The name is not important, but you are of utmost importance to me.”
“What do you want? You want a conjugal visit with your boyfriend?” Darknodin cracked a slight smile at his joke, but RaptorFood didn’t. RaptorFood pulled out a small handgun and put a silencer on it. Darknodin’s eyes widened. “I’ll give you anything you want!! Money? Women? Drugs? I have access to all of it!” RaptorFood fired two shots into Darknodin’s chest, splattering blood across his shirt, as he stumbled backwards, crashing into a bookshelf, and spilling his books across the floor. Darknodin stumbled in front of the large window, trying to make it to his desk. Seeing he was still alive, RaptorFood fired one more shot into his forehead, spraying dark blood across the large glass window. Darknodin’s corpse fell to the floor with a loud thud.
“You talk too much, fool.” RaptorFood said, grabbing Darknodin by the legs and dragging him into the shadows of the dark office. Another man walked into the office.
“Good job, keeping it quiet, RaptorFood.” said the man, sarcastically.
“I got it, done, didn’t I, General Mac?” RaptorFood replied to the man, he was General Kevy Mac, one of the heads of the Hacker ‘Army’ which wouldn’t really be considered an army, compared to JPDatabase or other places. “Have your men bring The Error here. I would love to have a little chat with him.” Kevy Mac turned around to leave, disgusted by this bounty hunter, bossing around him like he was the leader.

DinoTrack climbed into the chopper and walked into the cockpit, as Vader and Trillian sat in the cargo hold with Raptor-Rex and Beno-Yo. Sitting in the pilot’s seat was the pilot, XRaptor. DinoTrack nodded at him, signaling him to lift off. DinoTrack sat down in the navigator’s seat and turned on the video monitor, dialing a number for JPCompound. A weary Senator FrogDNA came onto the screen; he had a glass of scotch in his hands, DinoTrack could tell he was drunk, or close to it.
“Yes?” FrogDNA said, rubbing his eyes, finally noticing DinoTrack, “Oh hello, DinoTrack. What’s the meaning of this call?”
“Well, I called to report to you, that we interviewed The Error, and he said he has no knowledge of this bounty hunter. But I don’t believe him entirely.”
“Huh?” FrogDNA replied, he was silent for a moment, before talking again. “Oh yes, that mission. What about Aussie Embryo? Have you discovered anything on that?”
“Seth Rex was checking on that, and he hasn’t reported in yet.”
“Well, thank you for your efforts, Admin DinoTrack. But I must be going; we have a bit of a problem on our hands here ourselves.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Senator Seba’s wife found him dead in their apartment, yesterday.”
“Jesus, shot like Gladiator6k?”
“Nope, his throat was slit while he was showering. Fucking bloody sight. JP Animal Control blew his lunch when he arrived.” FrogDNA said, laughing slightly at the though of JPAC throwing up.
“What are you and other senators going to do?”
“We’ll have twenty-four hour guards now, that is until we capture RaptorFood. Son of a bitch. Although, Bob is leaving the site, heading off to InGenNet for some reason.”
“Well, I hope you can catch him. This is DinoTrack, signing out.” DinoTrack turned the monitor off and turned towards the front, as the chopper roared out of UFX. Vader and Beno were in the back talking.
“Hey Vader, what’d you guys do there?” Beno asked.
“Nothing, we just interrogated The Error.”
“That sounds boring.” Beno replied, “When I become a full Admin, I’m going to hunt down Flooders and Hackers.”
“Patience, Ben.” DinoTrack said, as he sat down next to Trillian. “You aren’t Ben The Flooder Slayer.” Everyone in the cargo hold laughed, as Beno looked a little sad.
“You wait and see, sir.” Beno said, “One day, they’ll be calling me, Ben the Flooder Slayer.”
“Will you be fighting vampires and demons as well?” Trillian asked, cracking a smile.
“If the situation calls for it, yes!” Beno said. He knew he was in for a long flight of them making fun of him, so he sat back and got ready for it.

Neo turned his head, as he saw the chopper fly by. He had no idea whose chopper it was, probably a prison chopper. Everyone else in the camp was asleep, except for him, Goldrex, Majestic, Chavez and Dac. All five were sitting in the chopper, looking over maps and weaponry. Majestic was still clean his gun as well.
“Where the hell is John?” Majestic asked.
“Probably off somewhere...” Neo replied, “Let him have his peace. He needs it.” Goldrex picked up another map, showing the blueprints of a facility.
“Majestic, what’s this area?” Goldrex said, looking at the facility, it was large enough to be an arena of some sorts.
“Yea, it’s a prison execution arena. They use it to entertain the prisoners.”
“How much you know about them?”
“Well... I know the top there is a retractable dome, allowing access to the outside. And there are usually some creatures they have, that are used to ‘play’ with the prisoners being executed.”
“Jesus...” Goldrex said, folding the map back up. He grabbed another map and started looking over that.

Kevy Mac stood outside the office door of Warden Darknodin, as he could hear The Error scream in pain, as something hard and solid smacked across his face.
“NOOO!!!” The Error howled, “I told them nothing!!!” Mac heard the object crack across his face again.
“You aren’t convincing me, The Error!!!” RaptorFood could be heard, yelling, as he smacked The Error again.
“I told them everything I know!!” The Error screamed in mercy, “I told them everything I know!!!!” He was starting to cry, hoping his life would be spared.
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” RaptorFood said in a mild tone, “Now get up. Get up! You look like a fool!!” The Error stood up and thanked RaptorFood, before turning around. “Oh, my dear boy, you forget something here.” The Error turned around, and before he could react, RaptorFood yanked something out of a sheath and slashed The Error’s throat open. The Error grabbed his throat, falling to his knees, gurgling blood. Kevy Mac could only cringe at the dying gurgles of The Error. A minute after, they stopped and RaptorFood exited the office.
“Yes?” Kevy Mac asked, watching RaptorFood replace the bloody knife.
“Dispose of the corpse immediately,” RaptorFood said, “And have the guards select three good prisoners, and prep the execution arena. I want a good show tomorrow, damn it!”
“Yes, sir,” Kevy Mac said, walking into the office, as RaptorFood left.