Hello all,
A few days ago our hosting provider added a secure signed certificate chain to our domains (for free!). I have taken the time to shift the forum configuration to take advantage of the secure communication. This means all communication (logins, passwords, posts, etc..) on the forum will be transmitted over a secure connection instead of plain-text. Most (if not all) modern web browsers (Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome...) support the level of encryption offered by the signed certificate chain. If you have any problems following the addition of the secure connection requirement, please e-mail me.
Thank you,
Secured Forum Connection
Forum rules
Welcome to the Jurassic Park db. Here you will find all information concerning the forum and webmail updates.
Welcome to the Jurassic Park db. Here you will find all information concerning the forum and webmail updates.
- Jon
- db 2nd generation
- Posts: 1781
- Joined: 20 Nov 2000, 21:49
- Gender: Male
- Special Ranking: The All Seeing Eye
- Location: New Jersey
- Contact:
Secured Forum Connection

Webmaster of the one and only JPdb
1999 to current, and still going.